Hotel Restaurant Clemens-August

CreAtivCenter: Room Venne (up to 34 seats)

Stand on your head

Focused creative work in small teams

Irresistibly inspiring: the Venne seminar room in the daylit basement of the CreAtivzentrum, a room full of unusual ideas and invitations to make yourself comfortable. To immediately jump up again inspired! Concentrated creative work in small teams, in separate seating groups and yet closely networked. A glance through the birch grove: The others are talking their heads off, developing ideas on the starboard. You need a spatial separation for group work - birch trunks are not enough? Then an intimate working group room is waiting for you right next door: 20 square metres of concentration. Even more space? You can also exchange ideas in real time with your colleagues in the Davert room above your heads. Perfect technology makes everything possible here. Fascinating like the landscape of the Venner Moor nature reserve: deep and light. Like a really good idea.

Technical equipment

  • Hitachi Starboard
  • WiFi up to 100 MBit
  • Three communication islands made of
  • Europallet furniture
  • Connected workgroup room (20 m2)
  • Mobile phone charging station
  • daylight
  • Different seating groups with
  • different seating arrangements
  • Sound-absorbing floor

Room Venne

Dimensions & Seating Plan

Room Venne
Width x Length x Height [m] 5 x 6.8 x 2.4
Surface area [m²] 50
Seating Seats
U-shape 20
Square 24
Block 16
Rows of chairs 34
Parliamentary 20
Circle of Chairs 24
Banquet 32

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