Hotel Restaurant Clemens-August

Family celebrations

Family celebrations in Hotel Restaurant Clemens-August

A round birthday of a family member is coming up, the youngest offspring is baptized, the older offspring goes to communion, a silver wedding or gold wedding – there are many occasions for a family celebration. No matter if you want to spend an extraordinary day with the whole extended family or with the smallest circle for a special event – we will gladly provide the successful setting. And we don't just mean the culinary delights from the country kitchen of our restaurant!

The Hotel Restaurant Clemens-August, situated in the middle of the green Davert, also offers a wonderful starting point for excursions or lets the hours fly by cheerfully at familiar family gatherings during various activities. No generation has to miss out.

Contact us and we will provide you with your own room or a large table, depending on the size of the family or company. We will also coordinate the details and the menu plan individually with you.

Planning your family celebration and looking for the perfect location?

We are happy to help.