Hotel Restaurant Clemens-August

Home of the beer brothers

We are Clemens August von Freeden and Michael Stattmann

The brothers were born with a love of beer - they are already the 4th generation to run the Hotel Restaurant Clemens-August. They agree: "Interest in beer has increased greatly in recent years. Germany is the beer country par excellence. Explaining beer better and bringing it even closer to people must be our goal."

Beer is a natural product. The selection of hops and yeasts combined with the production process leads to fascinatingly diverse taste experiences: from tart to fruity, from spicy to floral - there are no limits to the aromatically fresh variety of flavors.

Our beer sommeliers have prepared something for you. In our restaurant, a menu of matched beers awaits you at any time. If you book in advance, we will be happy to arrange an extensive tasting menu or a beer-only tasting. Our sommeliers will take you on an enjoyable journey of discovery into the world of beer. And in the meantime, they have even brewed their own beer, produced products with beer, and put on a show program.